Achievements are coming!
Hi all,
Quick post as I am travelling at the moment.
This week, we’ve been polishing up another brand new Prismata feature—Achievements!

Each Prismata achievement unlocked will earn you an equippable badge.
Hi all,
Quick post as I am travelling at the moment.
This week, we’ve been polishing up another brand new Prismata feature—Achievements!
Each Prismata achievement unlocked will earn you an equippable badge.
Hello, everyone.
EDIT: We’re going to be deploying the updated Vendium Scrap right away; we’re no longer waiting until Wednesday evening to do it.
After analyzing a mountain of statistics, playtesting like crazy, and receiving a huge amount of feedback on Vendium Scrap, we’re going to be making some changes. Here’s an overview of what’s going to happen:
A rebalanced Vendium Scrap, which creates the unit below…
Temporary art, which will be replaced if we keep the unit around!
An explanation for these decisions is included below.
Hi everyone.
Today, I’m very excited to talk about a big milestone for us in Prismata development: our upcoming “Beta” release, which is now just around the corner!
Also in today’s article… removing the lid on a few new Prismata features!
Hi everyone!
Some quick announcements. We’re deploying another minor balance patch this weekend (on top of the previous one described here), and we’re also going to be enabling Vendium Scrap in ranked for a test!
In my last post, I discussed how it’s essential that we lock down a number of core Prismata unit designs for the purposes of developing our single player content, and called out to everyone in our community to help point out any remaining sore points in unit design that are deserving of our attention. The response was great, and a ton of suggestions popped up in our inbox.
Most of the discussion thus far has focused on a small set of 5-10 units. In many cases, these were units that we already had an eye on; nevertheless, hearing the community’s input is very important as we decide which actions to take.
You can read many of my responses regarding specific units in this reddit thread, which contains dozens of posts on the topic. (I will be continuing to monitor and respond to this and other threads on the Prismata subreddit if you have anything to add.)
Today, I want to discuss a different facet of ranked play balance—all of the other Prismata gameplay aspects we’ve been investigating, beyond individual unit designs.
This post contains an announcement that may have some big implications for ranked play!
All will be explained today.
With Prismata entering beta soon, we’re looking to soon complete the rebalancing of our Ranked Play mode. In this article, I’ll be providing an update on how that’s going and what remains to be done.
This mysterious item of questionable value made its appearance in the last few events. Will it be explained today…?
Hi everyone!
There’s a lot to talk about on the blog this week. I spent much of the past week assisting with some much-needed server improvements (and neglecting the blog accordingly) so I’ll be getting caught up by posting several articles this week (I’m aiming for three more posts in the next week, but we’ll see how that goes…).
Today, I’m going to speak rather generally about a bunch of different topics, and I’ll follow this post up with two other more in-depth postings later this week.
You may have noticed that two new single-player puzzle missions were added to the Prismata alpha last week—Lucina’s Rage and Cluster Conundrum. For the time being, these can be found in the “Tier 4a” Master Challenges in Combat Training.
The Cluster Conundrum puzzle mission, available now! This puzzle was the inspiration behind the recent Cluster Skirmish event from earlier this month.
As I mentioned in the last article, I’ve been spending much of my time lately working on single player content for Prismata while the rest of the team continues development on art/sound, the servers, the Windows/Steam version of Prismata, and new features. Today, I want to reveal a few more things about Prismata’s single-player content.
Let’s start with a little teaser from our first puzzle collection:
Hi all!
Sorry that the blog’s been a bit quiet lately; I’ve been out of town, spending most of my time locked in an underground bunker working exclusively on Prismata single-player content—both the campaign (a massive project that I’m hugely excited about) and an upcoming puzzle pack (that we’ll be announcing soon!)
In the mean time, Prismata creator and Lunarch Studios co-founder Will Ma has provided some really interesting opening analyses from some of his recent ladder games. The games are quite fascinating and focus on using an early Animus to pressure the opponent into committing to a specific line of play that can later be exploited through a tech transition.
Check out the full discussion on the Prismata subreddit. Summary below:
Hi everyone!
Before I get to the main article, I wanted to mention a few experimental things we’re trying out on the alpha server right now:
These are not final, but we’re trying them out for now to see what people think. Let us know if you love or hate them, or would like to see changes!
On with the main topic, which relates to TODAY’S EVENT…