A Collection of Extremely Exciting Announcements
Hi, everybody!
We’ve got good news. No, we’ve got great news. Actually, there is so much incredible news happening that I’ve barely been able to sleep this week (which might be why this blog is so late!)
In any case, I can say that March 2015 is going to be HUGE for Prismata. Possibly the most exciting month yet.

Yes. Yes it is.
Today’s blog contains a number of exciting announcements, including TWO major convention/exhibition appearances next month. Here’s a TL;DR:
- We’ll be showcasing Prismata at PAX East next week in Boston (as part of the Indie Megabooth).
- We’ll also have a Prismata booth at SXSW Interactive the weekend after (as part of the Media Indie Exchange Humble Bundle Showcase).
- We’re also partnering with Humble to handle backer fulfillment as part of our crowdfunding initiatives.
- We have a new website up.
- Winners have been announced for our wiki and video contests.